Monday, April 03, 2006

What do I hope to achieve?

"You take my breath away" - Berlin

What are the 'objectives' of this blog? Well, first of all I have been told many times on many management training courses, seminars, books and by many, many 'bosses' that objectives must always be measurable, achievable, and with a fixed end date. It is this kind of dogma, of fixed ideas, that this blog sets itself against. This is not to say I do not have any objectives in mind, of course I do its just that there not very precise, not measurable and not time stamped but they are very definitely achievable! Here are my objectives for this blog;

- first of all I want to entertain you, because unless I do that then none of the other objectives are possible. Think back to over all the non­fiction books you've read, which ones had the most impact, were memorable and, perhaps, even changed the way you thought and acted? Chances are the books that were entertaining also had the most impact.

- I want to reach a 'wider' audience. As I said earlier, this blog is based on some presentations, and it is much more effective to deliver the messages embodied within it in person. However, there are only so many presentations it is possible to deliver, and there or only so many Systems people who can manage to attend them.

- I want to make you think! If we spent more time thinking and less time in meetings, filling in forms, completing project plans, writing documentation, and even writing code, then our jobs would be much, much easier and we would produce better results.

The problem is that lots of people, including some of you, do not believe this is true. Let us be very clear, if you do not think and let the people who work for you think then you are not doing your job! Do not ever be pressured into mistaking code or paper production, etc, as real progress.



So, if this is a 'Zen' based blog (and it is!) what is the real objective? Well, the real objective must be for you to achieve.....


I would really like to see someone turn that very real objective into something that is 'measurable', etc., etc.

Well, those are my objectives, what are yours?


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