Monday, July 03, 2006


And yea, the first acronym was born, and it was good, and it was the

'FITA estimate'



Someone once showed me how to get a 150 slide, two hour presentation down to one slide given in less than three minutes. Why would you want to do that you may well be well be asking. Well if you've ever sat through the average 150 slide, two hour, presentation you would understand why. But on top of the boredom factor lies a much more scientific reason, tests by the US Navy have shown that the average period for concentration is 5 minutes. Imagine what the time scale would be for a busy executive, or the Typical Executive Attention Time (TEAT), that's right .... 3 minutes ... the time it takes to boil an egg!

So how do get such a dramatic reduction? You do it by using acronym's of course!


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