Sunday, August 27, 2006


"You aint seen nothin yet" - Bachman Turner Overdrive

Let’s be clear, the path to real, genuine productivity is by the use of teamwork, and teamwork will be covered later in this blog. So I suppose that's the end of this entry;


But in order to understand why you should be so enthusiastic about the use of teams you have to understand why productivity is so important, how it fits in with the rest of the organisation, and how there are some ways of organising your work that are more likely to achieve it than others.

First of all a basic question; what is the most important aspect of building, or developing, systems?

The answer is;


…and it is definitely not;


This is very important, so let us dwell on it a minute or two. By 'people' I mean you, and me, and the Users, and the system administrators, and so on. By 'things' I mean hardware, systems software, tools, methodologies, concepts, technology, consultants, and all the other stuff that you can go out and buy off the shelf.

Another way of putting this is by saying that the most important aspect of developing systems is;


and not



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