Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Teams will have a mutual trust of each other. You will know that these people will not let you down, that you can rely on the answer to a question, that you know that if someone has said they will do something then they most probably will. Now it is not that all of a sudden individuals become super reliable and efficient once they become a real team member. No, that is not the case, but it is true that people perform better within the context of a team than they do outside of one. So, they are more reliable and more to be trusted than they would otherwise be.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Testing, Testing, Testing!

I have always believe in testing applicants for jobs in Systems, not as a definitive way of knowing whether someone should or should not be employed, but merely as an aide to the decision making process.

As part of the testing I would include psychometric tests to try to understand the physiological makeup of the individual and make an attempt at understanding how he or she would fit it with the rest of us. I believe that more work could be done in helping to understand how psychometric testing could be used to ensure maximum team compatibility. I have used Myers Briggs, Belbin Types, DISC, 16PF, etc. But, like I say these can't make decisions for you, just give you something more to consider.
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