Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Stylophone Episode

Of course, the kind of 'extreme' group behaviour discussed here leads to 'extreme' individual behaviour. For example, a manager who was working for me at the time was once delighted at finding a Stylaphone for sale in a junk shop. For those of you who have never heard of a Stylaphone, here's an advert for one from the 1970's;
It looks strange, but wait until you have heard it! For a musical instrument it sounded like the groundhog's squeal coming through the world's cheapest and smallest loudspeaker. It was first of all used to entertain the rest of the department, and then used to play a tune on the telephone while people were holding, and then we talked about wiring it up to a 500 watt amplifier and playing rock'n'roll songs on it. We never did wire it up of course, but you get the most fun out of what you imagine rather than what you do. As a special treat to you, I did wire a Stylaphone up to a big amplifier, you cannot hear it, but I'm sure you can imagine what it looked like.

And then.....

We rigged up a 'wah wah' pedal between the Stylaphone and the amp and played 'the Star Spangled Banner' a la Hendrix!


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